Flag Hill’s Karner Blue Gin, named for the endangered state Karner Blue Butterfly, has piney and nutty characteristics from juniper berries, along with subtle flavors from summer savory, orris root, cubab berries, and five other botanticals.

 Owner Frank Reinhold expects great things from the growing microdistillery industry. “Small-batch distilleries have traditionally produced better quality than the large continuous stills,” he says, explaining that smaller stills are easier to monitor and control. Flag Hill also produces vodka-based liqueurs infused with local raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and maple syrup.

Try this New England twist on a gin and tonic.

Makes 1 serving

Adapted from Frank Reinhold of Flag Hill.

1½ ounces Karner Blue Gin
½ ounce Flag Hill Cranberry Liqueur
Tonic water
Splash of lemon juice
1 lemon or lime twist

Fill a Collins glass with ice. Add the gin and cranberry liqueur. Fill the remainder of the glass with tonic water and a splash of fresh lemon juice. Stir well and garnish with a twist of lemon or lime.

297 North River Road
Lee, N.H.