TASTE Dining Out Deals

Reach over 25,000 Local Foodies

With a multimedia marketing strategy that reaches subscribers who look to the TASTE brand and TASTE Dining Out Deals for food, wine & dining 24/7.

Why TASTE Dining Out Deals?
We ONLY post deals for restaurants and specialty food markets, earning us a loyal following of seacoast food & wine lovers, all waiting to hear from you.

Taste Dining Out DealsHow does it work?
- There is no up front cost to you.  
- We help you create the perfect offer.
- We launch your customized multimedia blitz.
- Deals can be purchased instantly and used the same day.

Here's what you get.
- TASTE Facebook Fanpage Posts
- TASTE Dining Out Deal Facebook Ads
- TASTE Instagram & Twitter feeds
- Email Blasts
- Web Ad on Homepage & all Site Pages
- Taste e-Bites Newsletter Business Coverage
- Customized Taste Deal Landing Page
- Customer Email Lists
- Merchant Login for Easy Tracking

Here's the breakdown.
- Reach 25,000 potential new customers with two (2) custom email blasts (value: $995)
- Share your offer to our TASTE Dining Out Deals facebook followers (value: $195)
- Boost your message to an additional 2K+ facebook feeds specifically interested in dining out and food. (value: $295)
- Share event and news coverage with8,500 TASTE Magazine facebook followers for six (6) months (value: $595)
- Share event and news coverage with 5,100+ Twitter followers for six (6) months (value: $295)
- Gain 40,000+ impressions per month with a six (6) month web ad on tasteoftheseacoast.com. (value: $995)
- TASTE e-Bites tid-bit coverage (value:$595)
- Customize a deal landing page with restaurant information, images, video (when provided), and website links. (value: $395)
- Download a list of qualified subscribers expressing interest in your restaurant for future marketing (value: $295)

The Value: $4,000

What's the cost to you?
There are no checks to write or upfront charges (your bottom line cost is your food cost) for you to start a TASTE Dining Out Deal Direct Response Campaign (a $4K value). You will receive this multimedia campaign in exchange for authorizing a TASTE Deal at half price. The revenue generated is kept by TASTE and is based and determined on quantity sold and denomination offered. 

After the Sale.
Once customers have purchased your deal, they can instantly print them off to use.
Redeeming and tracking is easy. Gift certificates can be redeemed one of two ways:

1. On the spot by scanning QR code and marking as redeemed.
2. At a later date by logging into your merchant account and marking them as redeemed.

If you have any questions on the process, or would like a demo, please contact Keith at  keith@trendsmarketing.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or
(603) 234-0394 today!